Alex recovering after Spinal Surgery

Alex and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at BBVSH for the outstanding care and support shown to Alex during his stay at the hospital and on his physiotherapy visits with Glen.
I am amazed that everyone is so concerned on his progress as he recovers from his operation.  It is so heartwarming to see and hear how everyone interacts with him when we come in.  He loves human contact and I’m sure he looks forward to going to the hospital because of all the attention you have shown towards him.  I’m sure that has been a positive influence in his slow but steady recovery process.
Thanks again to everyone from Dr . Gordon, Candace, Glen and all the support staff for helping Alex in his recovery.  We look forward to the day when he will be able to walk in the front door unaided (but on a leash of course).  We know it will be a long process, but if it wasn’t for all your efforts at least  you’ve given him that chance.

Kerry and Alex


Alex Cocker Spaniel for website testimonial
Alex at home looking all handsome 🙂
Alex Cocker Spaniel for website testimonial 2
Sweet Alex always seems to be smiling.
Alex during a laser therapy session with Glenn
This is Alex post spinal-surgery enjoying a laser therapy session with Glenn. Laser therapy is a non-invasive therapy for pain relief and faster healing.





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