Lacey’s Total Hip Replacement Surgeries

perfect candidate for Total Hip Replacement SurgeryLacey appeared to be a perfect candidate for Total Hip Replacement Surgery.  She was middle-aged, healthy, and had a strong motivation to be active, but she was limited by pain in her hips and a limited range of motion.  She had difficulty with stairs and getting into our minivan.  Although Lacey wanted to go for walks, her endurance was low and she needed long recovery times after walks.

After our veterinarian said her x-rays on her hips were “terrible,” we took her to Dr. Hutchinson at the Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital for replacement surgery, first for her right hip, then later for her left hip.

Lacey tolerated the surgery very well and we thought her recovery was remarkably fast.  Within a day, she was in good spirits and very willing to use the affected hip to go outside.  She really did not need her Elizabethan collar as she never tried to lick, scratch, or nibble at the incision site.  Pain was well controlled with medications.

We were prepared for the major time we invested in her care and supervision, which were vital to the success and integration of her new joints during the months following her surgeries.

Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital Total Hip Replacement Surgeries        Lacey enjoys Winter after her Total Hip Replacement Surgery        Total Hip Replacement Surgeries

Lacey has continued her recovery with no setbacks at all.  Now, approximately a year after the last hip replacement, she is pain-free and active.  She walks with ease, and she can run, play, chase balls, climb stairs, and jump into the minivan.  We notice no joint related difficulties, in fact, we have a hard time remembering her pre-surgery limitations.  The improved quality of life for her and us is definitely worth the cost and time investment.  The other major satisfactions for us have been the outstanding abilities, competence, understanding, and helpfulness of Dr. Hutchinson and his support staff.  Our girl, Lacey, is an essential, rewarding, and much loved part of our lives, and it was very comforting to be able to entrust her life and welfare to Dr. Hutchinson and the Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital staff.

Anna & Bill Walker
Mission, British Columbia





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