Batman’s Ruptured Disk

I am writing to say “Thank You” to Dr. Peter Gordon and all the wonderful staff at Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital. Our 11 ½ year old boy “Batman” suddenly ruptured a disk in his neck and was in horrible pain. Although he could still walk, it was obvious he was injured and quickly getting worse.  We rushed him to emergency fearing the worst. Dr. Gordon was amazing and so kind. As I was freaking out he was patient and thorough, explaining everything and what was required medically both before and after confirming the injury. He was in frequent contact with us – calling right after the surgery to let us know everything went well and every day following while Batman recovered under their care.

We highly recommend Dr. Gordon and all the staff at BBVSH to anyone whose beloved pet needs any kind of care. We are so happy to see Batman pain free and so quickly back to his “old” self.   It really is like a miracle. “Thank You” doesn’t even begin to express how grateful we are for the care Batman received and that there are such wonderful specialists available when a family member needs them.

Ruptured disk in dogRuptured disk in dogRuptured disk in dog


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