VECCS Level 1 Certified | VetCOT Level II Trauma Center
A VECCS certified LEVEL 1 facility means that BBVSH has met and exceeded the standards and guidelines published by the Veterinary Emergency + Critical Care Society (VECCS). The VECCS Facility Certification assesses a hospital’s staff credentials, physical resources, and operating hours. Level 1 is the highest designation offered by VECCS, and it means we have a full compliment of life-saving medical equipment and ER vets supported by board-certified criticalists and specialists, on-call 24/7/365.
BBVSH has been certified at the highest designation (Level 1) offered by the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society; one of only two such facilities in Canada.
Just like you’d find in a human hospital, BBVSH has a fully equipped ICU with life-saving tools like a ventilator, high flow oxygen, oxygen cages, MRI, CT scanner, C-ARM fluoroscopy & endoscopy equipment.
BBVSH’s experienced ER veterinarians – who are always on the premises, not just on-call - are ready to handle life-threatening emergency cases 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
BBVSH’s emergency doctors, ICU and continuing education program are overseen by our board-certified criticalists.
BBVSH’s emergency veterinarians can count on the expertise of our in-house surgeons, cardiologists, oncologists, neurologists, radiologists, and internists.
Ensuring our staff and facility are ready for any trauma that comes through our doors.
Promoting internal collaboration between our own specialty departments as well as external collaboration with other trauma centers.
Fostering continued education for everyone involved in the handling of trauma cases; all the way from our reception staff to our emergency veterinarians.
Strengthening continual process improvement in our trauma care.
Due to the Canada-wide TELUS phone outage, our phone lines are functioning intermittently. If you cannot reach us by phone, please contact us at
Thank you for your patience.