BBVSH CE Seminar Photos

We would like to thank the many veterinarians from the lower mainland for joining us at our Veterinary Specialty Seminar on April 30, 2013. We look forward to seeing you again very soon!  Also, a very big thank you to Novartis for sponsoring the seminar and providing delicious refreshments for our guests.


Dr. GH
Dr. Geoffrey Hutchinson discusses Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease treatment options including Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA).


Dr. Sarah Charney sharing some oncology 'pearls of wisdom'.
Dr. Sarah Charney sharing some oncology ‘Pearls of Wisdom’.


Dr. Lawrence Brown reviews the details of a thoracic radiograph.
Dr. Lawrence Brown performing a radiographic interpretation of a thoracic radiograph.


Dr. Geoffrey Hutchinson discusses feline and canine fracture repairs using the Kyon ALPS titanium locking plate fracture repair system.
Dr. Geoffrey Hutchinson discusses feline and canine fracture repairs using the Kyon ALPS titanium locking plate fracture repair system.


Dr. Sarah Charney speaks about treatment options available for canine and feline cancer patients.
Dr. Sarah Charney speaks about treatment options available for canine and feline cancer patients.


Dr. Lawrence Brown discusses both tracheal and urethral stenting and shares detailed radiographs of urethral stent placement.
Dr. Lawrence Brown discusses both tracheal and urethral stenting and shares detailed radiographs of urethral stent placement.

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