
Good oral health is important to good general health

Has your pet had its mouth examined recently?

Periodontal disease (gum disease), is very common in pets and can cause bad breath, oral pain, behavioral changes like reduced appetite, and may affect a pet’s kidneys, liver and heart.

Our Board-certified veterinary dental specialist is trained to diagnose and treat genetic and acquired dental problems. Using specialized diagnostics, including dental radiology, laboratory and CT evaluations, our specialist can provide proper diagnosis of oral health and related medical problems prior to treatment planning. Our veterinary dental specialist is trained in specialized dental treatment options, including surgical options, which means we offer a wide range of treatment options.


Need a referral to Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital?

What We Offer

Boundary Bay Dentistry Services


Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Probing and charting of every tooth
  • Diagnostic dental xrays of every tooth
  • 64 slice CT Scan for challenging cases or oral/nasal/salivary disease

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Complete oral hygiene including scaling, polishing, open and closed root planing
  • Gingival flaps to preserve or recreate attached gingiva
  • Bone augmentation to aid in regeneration of lost bone support of the teeth

Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Diagnostic dental xrays to evaluate dental health, extent and invastion of oral masses, traumatic damage, bone present adjacent to oronasal fistulas or cleft palates
  • 64 slice CT scan for assessment of oral masses, head and facial trauma, nasal disease, TMJ dysfunction
  • Incisional or excisional biopsy of oral pathology
  • Fine needle aspirates or excisional harvesting of lymph nodes for tumour staging

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Extraction of single or multiple teeth or tooth roots
  • Removal of embedded and/or ectopic teeth
  • Dentigerous and radicular cyst extirpation with bone implant as needed
  • Mass removal and histology
  • Closure of oronasal fistulas
  • Closure of cleft palates
  • Minimally invasive fracture repair
  • Surgical correction of “open mouth jaw locking”
  • Placement of esophageal feeding tubes

Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Diagnostic dental xrays to evaluate tooth vitality and periapical disease
  • 64-slice CT Scan for challenging vitality evaluation

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Root Canal Therapy of fractured or otherwise non-vital teeth
  • Vital Pulp Therapy and “Pulp Capping” for fractured teeth of less than 48 hours duration
  • Apexification to stimulate further development and closure of an open apex in a non-vital tooth
  • Apexogenesis to stimulate further development and closure of an immature apex in a vital tooth
  • Retrograde Root Canal Therapy for (re)treatment of compromised apices

Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Assessment of remaining crown to determine prognosis for retention of that tooth
  • Diagnostic dental radiographs to assess structural integrity

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Cast metal crown formation and placement for compromised teeth
  • Crown lengthening gingival surgery to optimize crown shaping and cementation for greater retention of the cast metal crown

Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Assessment of occlusion and head type
  • Diagnostic dental xrays as needed for treatment planning

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Genetic counselling as needed for breeding/show animals
  • Selective extractions to optimize tooth eruption and placement, and oral comfort
  • Incline Planes for “base narrow” mandibular canine teeth
  • Crown Amputation and Vital Pulp Therapy for treatment of “base narrow” mandibular canine teeth and/or “lance” maxillary canine teeth
  • Active force appliances for other malocclusions such as “lance” maxillary canine teeth

Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Dental radiographs to assess extent of damage and tooth vitality
  • Assessment of occlusion to determine its role in damage done to other teeth

Procedures Offered Include:

  • Repair of enamel loss from enamel hypoplasia to decrease sensitivity and plaque retention
  • Carious lesion repair
  • Repair of crown damage from trauma

Procedures Offered Include:

  • A written report evaluating DIAGNOSTIC dental xrays submitted by the primary veterinarian

Our Dentists


Dentist/Oral Surgeon

Choose Boundary Bay for Dentistry

We offer specialty veterinary dentistry services by board-certified dentists, serving dog and cat owners throughout B.C. and northern Washington. We invite you to consider the following reasons to entrust your pet to Boundary Bay’s dental specialists.

Board-certified Veterinary Dentist and Oral Surgeon

Board-certified dentists have completed a rigorous residency training program and passed comprehensive board-certification examinations to demonstrate their knowledge. Our dentist has performed thousands of hours of oral surgery and dentistry, and has a proven 25 year track record.

Fast admission

We will strive to get your pet assessed as soon as possible. Many patients can have their procedure the same day as the initial consultation.

Specialized equipment

Dedicated dentistry and oral surgery equipment and a purpose-built dental operatory enable specialized care, minimize pet discomfort and optimize outcomes.


The dentist is physically in the hospital three days a week for appointments, and is on-call 24/7 for emergencies and other services.

Customized and collaborative care

Your pet will get a treatment plan specific to them, with collaboration with other specialists, as needed.

Ongoing care

Your primary care veterinarian will receive full reports of your visit and in planning future preventive care and maintenance.

Patient comes first

Recommendations for care will always be driven by what is best for your pet, and for you, its owner. Different treatment options can be explored to find what fits best in each circumstance.


Due to the Canada-wide TELUS phone outage, our phone lines are functioning intermittently. If you cannot reach us by phone, please contact us at

Thank you for your patience.


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