Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital staff travel to the Vancouver Island Pet Expo

Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital staff travelled to Vancouver Island in April to attend the Vancouver Island Pet Expo!

It was such a great experience for us to meet pet owners from the Island and one of the most exciting things for us was to be interviewed on 98.5 Ocean FM!

Mike from Ocean FM was very curious as to why we would travel from Langley all the way to Victoria!

We explained how important it is for us to create awareness amongst pet owners about the services and procedures offered by BBVSH that are not offered on Vancouver Island.

Pet owners need to be informed of their options when their pet’s health becomes non-routine.

We offer surgeries such as the patella groove replacement (PGR), Total Hip Replacement (THR) and Proximal Abducting ULnar Osteotomy (PAUL) that are not offered on the Island.  These are treatments for dogs suffering from hip/elbow dysplasia, arthritis, joint pain and often times severe lameness.

We felt that it was very important also to mention that we have a board-certified veterinary neurologist on staff also who specializes in the management and care of both medical and surgical diseases including intervertebral disc disease, seizure activity, brain and spinal tumors, movement disorders, behavioral changes, weakness, paralysis, head trauma, spinal cord injuries, spinal fractures, lameness and pain.

Mike was very curious as to what a board-certified veterinary specialist was. 

We explained that a board-certified veterinary specialist is a veterinarian who has trained for an additional 3-5 years after receiving their veterinary degree to focus on either surgery, oncology, neurology, radiology, internal medicine, etc.  Similar to humans seeking out a specialist when a medical condition becomes complicated, we offer the same for pets.

We have included a few photos from the Vancouver Island Pet Expo below including our booth and some wonderful guests that we met while there.



ice cream truck border collies bunny chamelion kittens Lion Dog mastiff Pig visitors



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Thank you for your patience.


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