National rescue and shelter appreciation week November 6-12

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week takes place during the first full week of November — November 6–12 this year — in recognition of the various shelters that provide care to millions of displaced animals in North America. Yes, millions!

The observance also serves to acknowledge the hard-working people supporting the efforts with their work at the shelters. Local shelters are great at finding new homes for homeless pets, but it’s not all they do. They rescue and rehabilitate injured or abused animals, reunite lost pets with their original families, rescue feral cats and kittens, provide shelter and care for senior animals with nowhere else to go, and support retired service dogs. All these amazing groups serve communities by saving animals every day.

In honor of National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week, we’re saying “thank you” to the staff, volunteers, and veterinarians who are dedicated to giving our furry friends a second chance.

Here are just a few the amazing shelters and foundations in British Columbia and Vancouver area that Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital has supported and worked with to provide emergency and specialty care:

…and many others.

10 facts about Canadian shelters and animal adoptions:

  1. There are currently over 170 animal shelters in Canada.
  2. Housing issues are the most common reason Canadian cat and dog owners surrender their pets.
  3. Twice as many cats as dogs are taken into Canadian shelters on average.
  4. Approximately 10% of pets in Canada are adopted each year.
  5. Almost 45% of Canada’s shelter dogs are rehomed. Almost 60% of Canada’s shelter cats are rehomed.
  6. The average length of stay in Canadian shelters is less than 30 days.
  7. Only 10% of dogs in Canadian shelters are euthanized. Only 15% of cats in Canadian shelters are euthanized.
  8. More than 3 million Canadians plan to adopt a pet in the next 12 months. It will lead to an increased demand for pets for adoption.
  9. Approximately 700,000 animals are currently waiting to be adopted at animal shelters across Canada.
  10. The pet population is growing fast because of the country’s aging population. There’s a growing trend among millennials to adopt a pet rather than buy one.


Want to get involved? Find out more about shelters and other organizations across Canada:

The Canadian Animal Shelter & Community Medicine Association (CASCMA) is a National organization that promotes networking among shelter medicine professionals across Canada, while working co-operatively with other sheltering and community veterinary organizations.

Find out more about the organizations and shelter associations working together across Canada here:


Due to the Canada-wide TELUS phone outage, our phone lines are functioning intermittently. If you cannot reach us by phone, please contact us at

Thank you for your patience.


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