We would like to thank the many referring veterinarians that joined us for our continuing education seminar in Kelowna. We were very pleased with the turnout on such a beautiful day!! It was wonderful to be in Kelowna to meet local veterinarians and we were thrilled to see a referring vet join us all the way from Vancouver Island! A special thank you to Novartis Animal Health for sponsoring this event.
During this seminar, the BBVSH speakers included:
Dr. Geoffrey Hutchinson, a board-certified veterinary surgeon and co-founder of BBVSH, discussed ‘Advances in Orthopedics’ and tag teamed with Dr. Charney on ‘Lumps and Bumps; See Something, Do Something’
Dr. Sarah Charney, a board-certified veterinary oncologist and co-founder of BBVSH, lectured on ‘Lumps and Bumps; See Something, Do Something.’
Dr. Peter Gordon, a board-certified veterinary neurologist at BBVSH, discussed IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) and creatively called it ‘Broke Back Dachshund…Discs are a Force of Nature.’
Dr. Astrid Nielssen, a board-certified veterinary internist at BBVSH, spoke about IMHA (Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia).
We were pleased to also have our other specialists attend which include Dr. Lyndell Levitt (surgeon), Dr. Alexandra Bratton (radiologist) and Glenn Pepito (animal rehabilitation).
We look forward to our next continuing education seminar. Location tba…