Triage and Resuscitation of the Canine and Feline Neonate

Board-certified criticalist, Meghan Harmon, DVM, DACVECC, presents a case-based approach to learning successful triage and resuscitation of the canine and feline neonate.
Recorded Date: January 25, 2021
Who: Veterinarians and veterinary technicians in British Columbia
What: A free RACE-approved CE event (1 hour CE certificate)
Topic: Triage and resuscitation of the canine and feline neonate
Presented by one of BBVSH’s board-certified criticalists, Meghan Harmon, DVM, DACVECC, this presentation focuses on a case based approach to learning successful triage and resuscitation of the canine and feline neonate. First, Dr. Harmon will outline how to take a good history when working with critical neonates before reviewing how to perform a thorough physical examination (including normal and abnormal exam findings). By focusing on 2 critical care cases, you’ll then be introduced to the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in neonates. In working through these cases, you’re invited to evaluate normal and abnormal laboratory findings, and learn how to properly treat these conditions.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Record a thorough reproductive history of a peri-parturient bitch or queen
  2. Perform a physical exam on a critical neonate with the ability to distinguish normal and abnormal exam findings
  3. Stabilize a critical neonate suffering from hypothermia, hypoxemia, hypoglycemia, dehydration, hypovolemia, or sudden death
  4. Formulate a nutrition plan for a critically ill neonate
  5. Understand the pathophysiology and treatment for neonatal isoerythrolysis in the kitten
Good Reasons to Watch:
  • Meet our veterinary outreach representative, Michelle Floris
  • Successfully answer a quiz to earn a 1 hour CE certificate from BBVSH

About the Presenter

Dr. Meghan Harmon is a staff Emergency and Critical Care specialist in our Langley hospital; near Vancouver, BC.

Originally hailing from the midwestern United States, Dr. Harmon has had the opportunity to practice and teach in both university and private practice environments.

Board certified in 2014, Dr. Harmon was a criticalist at the University of Missouri before working in a busy private practice in Seattle, WA. She joined the team at Boundary Bay in April 2020, and is excited to provide the highest level of critical care for hospitalized ICU patients.


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