BBVSH launches Douglas College scholarship

Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital (BBVSH), a specialty, emergency & critical care hospital in Langley, BC, has announced a new scholarship for current and future students enrolled in Douglas College’s Veterinary Technology program. Tiffany C., also 2022’s valedictorian for Science & Technology, was the inaugural winner of the award. She gets BBVSH’s kudos and $1,000 to help pave her way. 

The scholarship will be called the “moments matter” award, a reference to Boundary Bay’s higher purpose in providing more good days with the pets people love, and will be awarded based on academic merit. Starting in June 2022, the agreement between Boundary Bay and Douglas College will see a $1,000 scholarship awarded each year for a period of three years;  

“It takes a committed person to persevere through the hard work of tech school and our hope, with this scholarship, is to ease some of their financial burden on their journey” said Alex Matthews, floor manager at BBVSH and former Veterinary Technology Lab Facilitator with Douglas College. 

The successful recipient for this year’s “moments matter” award will be announced at a ceremony on June 15th, 2022. Stay tuned to our Facebook page to join us in acknowledging the inaugural winner of the “moments matter” award. 

What is being a vet tech like at Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital?

Careers @ BBVSH 

Any students in, or recently graduated from, Douglas College’s Veterinary Technology program are encouraged to visit our Careers page at to learn more about our values, what career development paths are available and what the perks of the job are. 


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